command cdb_batchDelete tInputA
This function deletes a set of records.
- pInputA (Array) - A multidimensional array, where each key is a tableID that maps to another array where the keys are recordIDs, and the elements are empty. There must be at least one tableID key in the array.
- ["cdbTarget"] (String) - place to delete records, either "cloud" or "local"
- [tableID 1] (Array) - Key is the first table's ID, maps to subarray of record IDs.
- [cdbRecordID 1] (Empty) - Key that is the record ID for the first record to be deleted, or "*" to delete all records in a table.
- empty - There must be an empty element in each record ID
- [cdbRecordID N] (Empty)* - Key that is the record ID for the nth record to be deleted.
- empty - There must be an empty element in each record ID
- [cdbRecordID 1] (Empty) - Key that is the record ID for the first record to be deleted, or "*" to delete all records in a table.
- [tableID N] (Array) - Key that is the nth table's ID. Repeat tableID1*'s sublevel structure.
*optional parameter.
Note: To delete all the records for a given table, use "*" as key mapping to empty in place of the array of cdbRecordID keys.
Additional Requirements
This API call requires internet access.
API Version
- 0.3.0 - Introduced
local tInputA, tOutputA, tClientsTableID, tOfficeTableID
#Table name: clients #Table name: office
#12345678-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab #45678123-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab
put cdb_getTableID("clients") into tClientsTableID
put cdb_getTableID("office") into tOfficeTableID
put empty into tInputA[tClientsTableID]["*"]
put empty into tInputA[tOfficeTableID]["45678123-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab"]
put "cloud" into tInputA["cdbTarget"]
cdb_batchDelete tInputA
#Now both tables have no records inside