command cdb_batchMerge pInputA
This command allows for the modification of a record key's value through comparisons like "is", "is not", "is in", and "is not in". This can be done across multiple keys across multiple records across multiple tables.
- pInputA (Array) - An array of one or more keys that are the table IDs of the tables being used in the merge.
- ["cdbTarget"] (String) - place to merge records, either "cloud" or "local"
- [tableID 1] (Array) - The key is the table ID, containing an array of one or more records for this table.
- [recordID 1] (Array) - The key record ID of the first record being modified on this first table.
- [yourKey 1] (Array) - The key to be modified. Contains a sub-array with
- ["value"] (String) - the value to compare against yourKey 1's value.
- ["operator"] (String) - Options for this key's value are: "is", "is in", "is not", "is not in". These are operators to compare "value"'s data to yourKey 1's data to perform the merge.
- "is" - the data in the "value" key will overwrite the data in the record's yourKey key.
- "is in" - Checks the data in yourKey seperated by the delimiter to make sure that the data in "value" is somewhere in the data in yourKey, otherwise it will append it with the delimiter.
- "is not" - makes sure the data in yourKey is not the data in "value", otherwise it will put empty into the key.
- "is not in" - Checks the data in yourKey seperated by the delimiter to make sure that the data in "value" is not anywhere in the data in yourKey, otherwise it removes it with the delimiter.
- ["delimiter"] (String) - The delimiter used to separate data inside the data in yourKey. Recomendations are "," or lf.
- [yourKey N] (Key) - Repeat yourKey 1's sublevel structure.
- [yourKey 1] (Array) - The key to be modified. Contains a sub-array with
- [recordID N] (Key) - Repeat recordID 1's sublevel structure.
- [recordID 1] (Array) - The key record ID of the first record being modified on this first table.
- [tableID N] (Key) - Repeat table ID 1's sublevel structure.
Additional Requirements
This API call requires internet access.
API Version
- 0.3.1 - Introduced
local tInputA, tClientsTableID, tOfficeTableID
#Table name: clients #Table name: office
#keys: firstName, lastName, age, income #Keys: name, address
#[12345678-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab]["firstName"] - "John" #[45678123-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab]["name"] - "Smith's Tech"
["lastName"] - "Smith" ["address"] - "123 office Road"
["age"] - "47"
["income"] - "100000"
put cdb_getTableID("clients") into tClientsTableID
put cdb_getTableID("office") into tOfficeTableID
##Update John's record
put "48" into tInputA[tClientsTableID]["12345678-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab"]["age"]["value"]
put "is in" into tInputA[tClientsTableID]["12345678-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab"]["age"]["operator"]
##Update Smith's Tech's record
put "road" into tInputA[tOfficeTableID]["45678123-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab"]["address"]["value"]
put "is not in" into tInputA[tOfficeTableID]["45678123-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab"]["address"]["operator"]
put " " into tInputA[tOfficeTableID]["45678123-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab"]["address"]["delimiter"]
put "cloud" into tInputA["cdbTarget"]
cdb_batchMerge tInputA
#The tables now look like this:
#Table name: clients #Table name: office
#[12345678-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab]["firstName"] - "John" #[45678123-abcd-1234-cdef-1234567890ab]["name"] - "Smith's Tech"
["lastName"] - "Smith" ["address"] - "1234 office"
["age"] - "48"
["income"] - "100000"