function cdb_create(pInputA)


This function allocates a new cdbRecordID for a record in either the cloud or locally, storing the provided data.


*optional parameter.


(String) - The allocated cdbRecordID for the new record.

Additional Requirements

This API call requires internet access in order to create cloud records.

API Version


#Table name: clients
#Keys: firstName, lastName, age, income

put "John" into tInputA["firstName"]
put "Doe" into tInputA["lastName"]
put "20" into tInputA["age"]
put "30000" into tInputA["income"]
put "clients" into tInputA["cdbTableName"]
put "cloud" into tInputA["cdbTarget"]

put cdb_create(tInputA) into tRecordID
#tRecordID now contains the ID of the created record: 123456abcdef

#Error handling
if not cdb_result() then
    answer cdb_result("response")
end if