command cdb_loadTable pInputA
This command will load a table into memory so it can be accessed through other CDB commands and functions. LoadTable must be called prior to calling other CDB commands and functions.
- tInputA (Array) - An array containing the tablename to be loaded.
- ["cdbTableName"] (String) - The specified table name to be loaded, or a line-separated list of tables to be loaded.
- Putting "*" in this key will load all tables, reloading any tables that have already been loaded.
- Putting empty in this key will load all tables that have not previously been loaded.
- ["cdbTableName"] (String) - The specified table name to be loaded, or a line-separated list of tables to be loaded.
API Version
- 0.3.0 - Introduced
local tInputA
put "customers" into tInputA["cdbTableName"]
cdb_loadTable tInputA
# Table "customers" is loaded in memory and can now be used
local tInputA
put "*" into tInputA["cdbTableName"]
cdb_loadTable tInputA
#All tables are now loaded