function cdb_Query(pInputA)


This function searches the specified table over the cloud, and returns the subset that matches that query in several possible formats. See comparison operators to find all operators allowed in a query.


*optional parameter.

Query input diagram


Additional Requirements

This API call requires internet access.

API Version


local tQueryA, tInputA, tOutputA

#Table name: clients
#Keys: firstName, lastName, age, income

#Construct "query" array
put "firstName" into tQueryA["key"]
put "John" into tQueryA["value"]
put "=" into tQueryA["operator"]

#Set up the input array
put tQueryA into tInputA["query"]
put "clients" into tInputA["cdbTableName"]
put "cloud" into tInputA["cdbTarget"]

#recordData output format
put "recordData" into tInputA["resultFormat"]
#recordList output format
put "recordList" into tInputA["resultFormat"]

put cdb_Query(tInputA) into tOutputA

#recordData Output: tOutputA[123456abcdef]["cdb"] - metadata
                               ["firstName"] - value
                               ["lastName"] - value
                               ["age"] - value
                               ["income"] - value

#recordList Output: 123456abcdef