command cdb_update pInputA
This command makes changes to an existing record.
- pInputA (Array) - An array with the following format:
- ["cdbTableName"] (String) - The specified table name.
- ["cdbTarget"] (String) - The place to update the record, either "cloud" or "local".
- *["cdbDoNotUseLiveCache"] (Boolean) - If true, will stop using livecache.
- ["cdbRecordID"] (String) - A single cdbRecordID.
- [yourKey1] (String) - A Key as defined by the table's schema (see getTableKeys). User must provide at least one key.
- *[yourKeyN] (String) - A Key as defined by the table's schema (see getTableKeys).
* optional parameter.
Additional Requirements
- This API call requires internet access in order to update cloud.
API Version
- 0.3.0 - Introduced
local tInputA
#Table name: clients
#Keys: firstName, lastName, age, income
#Set up
put "clients" into tInputA["cdbTableName"]
put "cloud" into tInputA["cdbTarget"]
put "123456abcdef" into tInputA["cdbRecordID"]
#One or more keys
put "Tom" into tInputA["firstName"]
put "Jerry" into tInputA["lastName"]
put "31" into tInputA["age"]
put "31000" into tInputA["income"]
cdb_update tInputA